omkar date
Aspiring Developer from India.Hey there! 🙏 नमस्ते.
I'm a CS grad student in my final year, with a growing passion for development. I've discovered a deep interest in the world of JS/TS, MERN Stack and DSA.
Feb 2024 - April 2024
I gained experience maintaining and enhancing a Flutter mobile application used by more than 10,000 monthly users. My contributions included UI improvements and the integration of banner, native, interstitial and app open ads.
- Offers a dedicated section for curated resources relevant to students.
- Implements a secure Github login system to ensure data privacy.
- Enables students to share valuable resources with the community.
- Maintains quality control through an admin panel for resource verification.
TypeScriptNext.jsReact.jsPNPMZodEslintPrettierNodemailerReact EmailTailwind CSSRadix UIShadcn UIFirebaseVercel
- Miniel simplifies your links by shortening URLs easily.
- Instantly generate QR codes for shortened URLs.
- Set a custom expiry for each shortened link at the creation time.
TypeScriptNext.jsReact.jsPNPMEslintPrettierTailwind CSSShadcn UIRadix UIPostgreSQLDrizzle ORMNeonVercel
- Built intuitive image gallery with robust upload, download, and grouping features.
- Created visually appealing, responsive design for seamless user experience across devices.
- Implemented secure user authentication and cloud-based image storage.
TypeScriptNext.jsReact.jsPNPMEslintPrettierTailwind CSSShadcn UIRadix UIPostgreSQLDrizzle ORMNeonClerkCloudinaryVercelLucide Icons
Blog Web App
- User sign-in and sign-up from scratch
- Maintained Use Profile and their blogs
- Blogs with comments and like functionality
TypeScriptReact.jsExpress.jsMongoDBMongooseTailwind CSSReduxReact RouterReact QuillBcrypt.jsJWT
Node.jsNext.jsReact.jsNextAuthReact QueryReact RouterRecoil.jsReduxZustandExpress.jsNest.jsZodJWTNodemailerReact EmailTailwind CSSRadix UIShadcn UI
NPMPNPMYarnEslintPrettierGitGithubGithub ActionsPostmanMarkdownFirebaseSupabaseDrizzle ORMPrisma ORMDockerVercelNetlifyRenderVS CodeGoogle Chrome Developer Tools
- Email -
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- Instagram -
Built with Next.js, Tailwindcss, Shadcn UI and Vercel